The Deadly Impact Of The "Hawks"[United State], Europe And The United Nation In African Countries.
Who are the United Nations?, who are the Hawks?, in Which Country is The United Nation Head Quarters located?, How many cold war and Civil war has the United Nation and US win?. "Hawks", when I Talk about Hawks, United State Government is Referred to as Hawks in this Article whereby they travel from one country to another in search of Foods to feed themselves. Why would the United Nations and United State be so easy to be swayed into interfering in the affairs of the African countries?. Why are you Americans Killing the African-Americans, shooting them down when they are already on the ground? because this is Human right violations What is the Impact of the United Nation to Sanction the United state for violating the right rules and there atrocities in the world ? Because if any other African countries violate any international rules, United Nation will be first organization to sanction the country but how many sanction has the United Nation Sanction the United state o